Welcome Champion Forest Eleven Homeowners
This website is for the use of the Homeowners of Champion Forest Eleven (CF 11) and to provide them with information regarding notifications, events and contacts related to their Homeowners Association (HOA) and the neighborhood. CF 11 is located in Northwest Harris County Texas. The closest primary street intersection is Champion Forest Drive and Strack Road. CF 11 lies in the northeast corner of the intersection. The primary entrance to CF 11 is via Darschelle Drive located on the east side of Champion Forest Drive.
The HOA has been in existence since CF 11 started its development in 1996. The residence of CF 11 obtained full control and management of the HOA in June 2019. The Board is comprised of three Directors; President, Treasurer and Secretary. The subdivision is comprised of 161 lots.
Our Vision for Success Statement:
“We are working together as a unified Homeowners Association, ONE neighborhood, having achieved a common spirit of behaviors and actions to preserve the values of our homes AND that of our neighbors.”
Upcoming Meetings
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
Next Board of Directors Regular Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, 2025, starting at 7:00 PM at the Cypress Forest PUD Building located at 16215 Champion Forest Dr. Spring, TX 77379. Agenda to be determined.
** What Every Property Owner Needs to Know and Do **
Board of Directors membership interest is essential for continued HOA success; please consider running for a Board of Director seat in the next election. Our objective each voting cycle is to have three candidates.
Stay informed and participate in the business of your HOA.
Make plans to attend the Annual Members Meeting held typically in February.
VOTE!! VOTE!! (100% participation is 161 votes). Voting entitlement is one vote for each lot owned.
Read and thoroughly understand your HOA Governance Documents especially the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and the Amendment to Restrictive Covenants Regarding Leasing (prohibits short-term leasing).
Become knowledgeable of your HOA Policies and Procedures especially the Fine Policy and Schedule of Fines regarding leasing
You are legally responsible to ensure your mailing address is correctly registered with the HOA.
You (Property Owners, not the HOA) are fully responsible for coordinating and managing all activities and paying all expenses to repair / replace cluster box units (CBUs) and outdoor parcel lockers (OPLs) assigned to your CF 11 property mailing address. Property owners are to contact the local USPS branch servicing our subdivision should such repairs / replacements become warranted. Do NOT contact your HOA.
If you have not done so already or if you are new to the neighborhood, we highly encourage you to register your email address with the HOA. This allows you to quickly receive HOA notices & meeting minutes, Precinct 4 Constable reports and other pertinent information for the neighborhood. To register, simply send your email address stating your property address to championforesteleven@gmail.com and advising the HOA to register your email address.
Ensure your assessments are paid in full. Pay your annual assessments on time – due date is January 31st. Invoices are mailed out in November the prior year. Your prompt payment is appreciated as it results in less expenses for your HOA, avoids legal action being taken, and therefore savings for you.
Do not ignore notices, communications from your HOA.
Maintain your property according to your HOA Governance Documents. Proper curb appeal is your responsibility. Be instrumental in maintaining the value of our neighborhood.
Submit an Architectural Review Committee (ARC) request form. ARC approval is required prior to starting any exterior repairs / renovations to your property. Please refer to Champion Forest, Section 11 Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for ARC specific details.
Work together to achieve our Vision for Success.